Branding & design services

Formulate offer a range of creative services to businesses in Dubai, the UAE and beyond. All our services are backed up by years of experience and a thorough understanding of modern design thinking. We're here to help you with everything from small ad hoc design tasks to long-lasting partnerships.


We take time to capture the spirit of your brand and make it resonate with your customers. We create brand identities that tell people exactly who you are and what you do, so you stand out from the competition.

  • Bespoke logo design
  • Brand development
  • Brand guidelines
  • Art direction

From naming to brand architecture, we can bring all your design and marketing together with a dynamic and considered strategy that matches your business goals with your look and feel.

  • Naming
  • Brand architecture
  • Brand positioning
  • Communication strategy

Contemporary design is at the heart of everything we do. We create a wide range of instantly recognisable visual brand collateral that will resonate with your customers and clients through physical and digital applications.

  • Stationery
  • Brochures, profiles & presentations
  • Reports, bids & tenders
  • Advertising
  • Packaging
  • Exhibitions & environmental
  • Signage

Is your social generating revenue or just the occasional ‘like’? Social media is the single most dynamic platform for your brand. Our Social and Content Creation services help your reach your audience more effectively with engaging branded content.

  • Branded content
  • Social branding
  • Photography
  • Video

From colour to fonts, layout to graphics, we’ll develop a website with real shop window appeal. Generating roadmaps that guide your visitors carefully around your site, we’ll minimise bounce and maximise solid interactions.

  • Brochure sites
  • Microsites & portals
  • eCommerce sites
  • Shopify, Squarespace & Wix branded sites
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • SEO

Words matter. Our copywriters communicate your message elegantly and effectively. They blog, write press releases, create effective advertorials, write email campaigns that won’t get sent to the spam bin, and create killer content to draw in customers.

  • Tone of voice
  • Editorial
  • Web & social content
  • Brochures & blogs
  • Reports, bids & tenders

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